What is Diamond Art or Diamond Painting?
Diamond painting is a cross of paint by numbers & cross-stitch. It also has characteristics of the jigsaw puzzle boards.
Other names for diamond painting are diamond art, 5d diamond painting, painting with diamonds, paint by diamonds, diamond art painting, and rhinestone painting.

1. What are diamond painting kits?
A diamond painting kit is the package that encases all the essentials required to start your diamond painting.
It includes:
- Diamonds (3D, 5D, or special diamonds)
- Printed canvas.
- Wax
- A plastic tray to hold diamonds.
- An applicator or pen with which you can pick up diamonds.
- A guide is also included in the kit for the instructions to complete the diamond painting.
2. When was diamond painting invented?
The concept of diamond painting is not new. It is believed to be started in Asia. From there, it spread into other parts of the world. In earlier days, diamond paintings were created on velvet by gluing beads on the velvet canvas that is considered a hard way as beads can fall from the velvet cloth easily.
During its days of development, super glues have been tested and are now used with velvet canvases to keep the diamonds intact. Velvet canvas has its own benefit that its almost wrinkle/creases free.
This modern concept of diamond painting was invented in 2010 by a company based in China and is sometimes also referred to as diamond stitch, diamond embroidery, and mosaic art. By 2017, this form of painting had spread, with widening participation from all the countries. The new method involves placing diamonds on an adhesive canvas so that the beads can stick firmly on them.
3. How does diamond painting work?
Diamond painting works on the concept of applying thousands of tiny diamond resins to a pre-printed adhesive canvas. The canvas has letters and symbols that correspond to the color. There is a guide on the side of the canvas that shows what symbol is for what color and what is the DMC code of that color.
You got to follow these 3 simple steps to complete your painting.
- Match the symbol with the color and pick the color from the diamonds that come along with the kit.
- Pick the diamond with an applicator included in the kit.
- Use our diamond painting tips and techniques and complete your diamond painting like a pro.
4. What are the best tips for diamond painting?
- Use tape to fix your canvas on a surface to keep it flat.
- A light pad under the canvas will help you see the symbols clearly.
- You can use tweezers to fix the incorrectly placed diamonds.
- Organize your diamond drills in separate compartments of a jewelry box.
- Use a multi-drill applicator to speed up the process of applying diamonds on the canvas.
- Don't remove the top-covering all at once. Otherwise, the adhesive layer on the canvas may get dried.
- After finishing the painting, wipe off the diamonds gently with a damp cloth to remove the wax on it.
- Use a roller pin after completing the diamond painting to firmly fix any loose diamond.
- Apply a spray or liquid sealer to increase its longevity.
- Once your diamond painting is sealed then go for framing your diamond painting.
5. What are the benefits of diamond painting?
Diamond painting is one of a kind leisure activity with several benefits.
Relieves Stress: Diamond painting relieves stress after a long tiring day at work with its therapeutic effect.

Improves Motor Skills: Diamond painting requires several muscles to move together, and this activity improves hand-eye coordination by repeating the same movement again and again.

Sparks Creativity: Working on diamond painting kits rekindle the artist and creativity inside us. The artwork in itself is the expression of creativity that reconnects you to the world of arts and crafts.

Gives Satisfaction: There is no greater satisfaction than seeing your hard work unfold into a beautiful piece of art. Diamond painting's final result gives us inexpressible satisfaction.

Reconnects with Relationships: Involving your loved one to work with you in creating the masterpiece helps you reconnect with them. Also, gifting a diamond painting also helps you spread love and bond with your relations.
Consistency: It helps you learn consistency and practice patience.
6. Is diamond painting hard?
No, diamond painting is not hard. In fact, it is one of the easiest forms of art that doesn't need any skill or prior experience. It's a simple "pick and stick" method where you "pick" a diamond with a wax-dipped pen and stick it to the adhesive canvas on a particular place to create the mosaic look. There are diamond painting tools and techniques to make diamond art more fun.
7. What is a diamond painting pen?
A diamond painting pen is an applicator that is used to pick and stick drills or diamonds from the tray to the canvas. It uses wax to hold the beads to its nib. You may need to dip it again in wax if the stickiness of the pen has ended. It is the basic diamond pen.

Advanced diamond pen or multi-drill applicator have wide end, and pick up several diamonds at the same time that saves a lot of time, especially if you are working on a big canvas.
Some pens are made of wax pencil that you need to sharpen using a sharpener, and the sticky nib will do the job.
8. What is a diamond painting full drill?
Diamond painting full drill means every inch of the painting area of your canvas is filled with diamonds. It gives the entire diamond painting a mosaic look. Full diamond painting usually employs square & round diamonds and has a shinier effect than partial drill.

9. What is a partial drill diamond painting?
Partial drill diamond painting, also known as partly filled diamond painting, refers to the diamond painting in which the whole canvas isn't covered with drills. The emphasis is on particular objects like a cat or butterfly.

Partial drill diamond painting kits focus on specific objects and highlight them by using diamonds. Special diamond painting kits are mostly partial-drills.
10. What are special diamond drills?
Special diamond drills are not the regular square or round diamond drills. These have unique shapes, including teardrop shape, oval, coin shape, flat-sided round, etc. These drills don't have any standard size, and their size depends on the image of the diamond painting.

There are special diamond kits that include a mix of both special drills and regular (square and round) drills. These kits are usually partially filled where you can see the exposed canvas from behind as these kits usually highlight specific objects.
11. What does AB mean in diamond Painting?
AB means Aurora Borealis. These diamonds have the extra shine that gives the painting a glowy effect. Moreover, they come in both square and round drills. The super extra shimmer on these diamonds is due to the upper coating that gives them an opalescent effect.

They don't come with a kit; you have to purchase them separately. These diamonds replace ordinary diamonds in the painting to highlight a few specific areas of the diamond painting. They have the same DMC number, so purchasing them is easier. However, unlike other companies, we provide AB diamonds in our painting kits for free. The number of AB diamonds in a painting depends upon the size & number of colors in the painting.
12. Where can I buy AB diamond drills?
AB diamond drills can be purchased from Amazon. Another option for buying these drills is Etsy, where you can find a variety of colors of AB diamond drills.
13. What is the difference between round diamond drills and square diamond drills?
Drill is used interchangeably for diamonds. Diamond painting can be done with two kinds of drills: square and round.
Round diamond drills are easier to handle and are often used by beginners because of their "laid back" style. The adjacent round diamonds have a gap between them when we apply them on canvas. It gives the painting a cross-stitch look.
Square diamonds need more precision when we stick them on the canvas. Each side of the square diamond aligns perfectly with the next diamond without leaving any gap. Square diamonds are preferred by experienced crafters and used on large canvases.

65% of the artists like square diamonds and 35% like round drills.
14. What is the difference between 3D diamond painting and 5D diamond painting?
The difference between 5D diamond painting and 3D diamond painting is in the structure of the diamonds. 5D diamonds have five facets on each side, making a total of 15 facets. And 3D diamonds have 3 facets on each side that make a total of 9 facets.
If the diamonds are perfectly proportional and symmetric, the light will reflect to make it appear brighter. 5D diamond paintings, having more facets, reflect more light, and thus, they have more scintillation and more radiance. It gives 5D diamond painting more depth. 3D diamond painting reflects less light owing to fewer facts and appears less shiny than 5D diamond paintings.
While there is a different theory of 3D and 5D diamond painting about round diamonds. Diamonds that are round and with no facets are considered as 3D diamonds and round diamonds with reflectors/facets/cuts on the surface are considered as 5d diamonds.

15. 3D diamonds or 5D diamonds which are better?
3D diamonds are less shiny than 5D because of the difference in structure, cut, and facets. Deciding between 3D or 5D depends on the final look you want on your diamond painting.
5D diamonds, being shinier, can be used to highlight certain parts, whereas the rest of the diamond painting can be made with 3D diamonds. It will give it more depth and realistic look.
Many kits now have all 5D diamond drills due to their lustrous shine and glow and are preferred by artists all over the world.
16. What are the diamond drills made of?
The diamonds, also known as drills, are made of Epoxy resin. Epoxy resin is used in making jewelry, arts, and crafts, and these resins are also used for sealing wood. Diamond drills are usually 2.5 - 2.8 mm in size. Special programmed machines make the exact shape and color of the diamonds. These machines sort and pack the diamonds in labeled bags. Some manufacturers use low-grade or recycled epoxy resins to produce diamonds that lack the lustrous shine. However, the more advanced & upgraded diamond paintings come with acrylic drills. The acrylic drills are better than resin drills.
17. What is the size of the diamond drills?
Diamond drills are very small in size.
Square drills are 2.5 x 2.5 mm.
Round drills are 2.8 x 2.8 mm.
Special diamond drills: Special diamonds have multitudes of shapes. That's the reason they don't have any particular size.
18. What is LED diamond painting?
LED diamond painting is a regular diamond painting with LED lights on the backside of the frame. When you switch on the LED lights, the light from the led bulbs passes through the diamonds, and the whole diamond painting glows. Its effect looks marvelous in the dark. Usually, the canvas of these paintings is already stretched and mounted on the frame. So, you can simply complete the diamond painting, switch it on and hang it. Some of the diamond paintings glow partially, focusing on one object, such as a river or windows, to create the magical effect, and others have a glowy effect on the whole canvas.
19. What is glow in the dark diamond painting?
Glow in the dark painting is the new concept of diamond painting that uses special diamonds that glow in the dark. So, if you switch off the lights, the part of the painting with those special diamonds will illuminate in the dark.

20. What is a light pad for diamond crafting?
A light pad is a light source in the form of a flat box with a translucent surface lighted from inside. It helps the diamond artists to see the symbols on the canvas clearly. Plug it in, and the surface will lit. Place your diamond painting above it to work. This light pad is helpful in low light conditions or when you are working at night. People with eyesight issues also find this useful.

21. What is the roller for in diamond painting?
The roller in diamond painting is used for pressing the beads firmly on the canvas; so they don't pop out. Before sealing it with a Mod podge, use a roller on the diamond painting. Put a paper or towel on the canvas and gently roll it with a rolling pin. You might hear a click sound when any popped diamond would go back into its place.

22. Can you iron a diamond painting canvas?
Manufacturers do not recommend ironing a diamond painting canvas as the adhesive on the canvas can melt and stick to the iron. To remove the wrinkles on the canvas, put it under some heavy-weight object.Â

However, if you don't have enough time, you can iron the canvas's backside by placing a towel over it. Iron the canvas on the low setting and, if needed, spray water on the towel to remove all the creases.
23. Can you melt diamond painting beads?
Yes, diamond painting beads can melt in the oven. You can melt leftover diamonds and reuse them by applying the right techniques to recreate the new form of art. Place a cookie cutter on baking paper and put some diamond painting beads in it. Bake these in an oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 9-10 minutes. The beads will melt, expand and stick together to take the shape of the cookie cutter. Once completed, take it out, cool it, and enjoy!
24. Diamond painting is suitable for which age group?
Diamond painting is suitable for age 7 and above. The smaller canvases and partial drill paintings work better with kids, and large canvases with more details and high pixilation are best suitable for adults.
25. Can you seal a diamond painting?
Yes, you can seal your diamond painting by using brush-on sealers or spray sealers. The main advantage is it increases the longevity of your diamond painting. The sealing not only protects the painting from water, dirt, and dust but also helps the diamond drill to stay in place firmly.
Brush-on sealers come in different varieties and consistencies. Some sealers increase the shine of the diamonds, whereas some have a matte formula. It is applied by using a brush. The thick white gel becomes transparent after drying and locks the diamonds in their place.
Spray sealers don't fill the gaps in between diamonds and only increase the shine of diamonds. So, there is a chance that diamonds may pop out after some time. It's better to frame such diamond paintings to increase their life.
26. Do I have to seal my diamond painting?
It's not necessary to seal your finished diamond painting. However, sealing your diamond painting will lock the diamonds in their place, as diamonds may fall out while framing and hanging on the wall. However, always use good quality sealant as, with time, the top layer of sealant may get a yellowish tinge to it.
27. Why should we seal a diamond painting?
Sealing a diamond pointing rules out the possibility of diamonds popping out from the finished artwork after some time. It increases the life of the diamond painting. The protective covering of the sealers protect the diamond painting from atmospheric effects such as dirt, sunshine, etc., and helps maintain the diamond's shine. Some of the sealers have a lustrous effect that adds to the glow and sparkle of the painting.
28. Can you use PVA glue to seal the diamond painting?
You shouldn't use PVA glue to seal the diamond painting. PVA glue is thick and may lessen the shine of the diamond painting. It may also get yellow after some time or get flaky and peel off. Even though Mod Podge is expensive, it's better to invest in it.
However, if you still want to use PVA, you may need to dilute it. PVA glue is soluble in water. Mix 2/3 PVA glue and 1/3 water, apply it to the painting, and leave it overnight to dry.
29. Can I use sealers with partial drill kits?
Yes, you can use sealers on partial drill kits. Just use a small brush and avoid touching the exposed canvas as much as possible, so the sealant doesn't get stuck on the bare exposed canvas.
30. Is Mod Podge the same as PVA glue?
Mod podge is made especially for crafters. It's not just a glue; it's a sealer. It has more water content than PVA. The difference between PVA and Mod Podge is that PVA is in thick form. PVA + water makes a homemade Mod Podge. So, in order to use it on diamond painting, you may need to dilute it. However, PVA tends to get yellow over time.
31. Can you Mod Podge diamond painting?
It is recommended to use Mod Podge on the diamond painting. Mod Podge is a glue and sealer that locks the diamonds, gives them extra shine, and protects them from dust and environmental factors. There are 17 formulae of Mod podge that you can use. Mod Podge produces both spray and the glue and ranges both matte and gloss sealers.

32. What should I do to the remaining diamond painting drills?
If some of the diamond painting drills are left from the previous project, you can use them in any other DIY art project. You can use it on photo frames, mugs, plates, or clutches. Students can use these in their art projects too. You can also melt them into new shapes to make a unique design.
33. How do you select a good quality diamond painting?
You can select a good diamond painting considering a few factors in your mind.
- Amongst thousand of paintings, select the image based on your preference. You should choose an image that catches your fancy, and you are not likely to get bored with it while working or looking at it.
- Full drill or partial drill: Determine the finish look on your mind. If you want a diamond painting whose every inch is filled with diamonds, go for a full drill. And if you are a beginner, go for a partial drill.
- It's always better to choose a large canvas because it has more detail and depth to it. Geometric designs and abstract art look better on small canvas, and they are easier to work with.
- Choose square drills for a fuller-look of the painting or a kit with round square drills if you are new to diamond painting.
- Always check the seller's packaging and the supplies in the kit. A lousy packaging would have more chances of warping or being crushed.
34. Where to store diamond paintings?
If you don't want to frame your diamond painting, you can store it in art portfolio cases, cardboard boxes, or tri-folds foam boards. You can store multiple diamond paintings in a box; just make sure to use butter paper or a plastic sheet between them. Alternatively, you can also use a puzzle carrier to store them.
35. Can you roll up a finished diamond painting?
The best option is to keep your finished paintings flat. However, you can roll up finished diamond paintings whenever needed. Just roll it with diamond-side outward, otherwise the diamonds will squash together. If you roll it with drills facing inward, your diamond painting will get creases. Roll it with a diameter of approximately 2 inches with a piece of butter paper over it.
36. How long does it take to complete a diamond painting?
It depends on various factors. The size of the canvas, your ease of handling tiny beads, your concentration level, and the complexity of the design determines how much time it will take to finish one diamond painting. Some paintings can be finished within a few hours, while large and complex designs can take a month to complete.
37. Are diamond painting colors universal?
DMC is used by most of the manufacturers. The diamond packets are often marked with DMC numbers or symbols. In the case of symbols, you can match it with the chart that is printed on the canvas with three columns representing numbers, symbols, and codes.
The use of DMC numbers has made it easier for crafters to match the beads and order them from another seller. Only some premade kits may have different numbers than DMC numbers.
38. How many colors are there for diamond painting?
Diamond paintings have 456 colors based on standard DMC numbering. The wide variety of colors make it possible to get the details of an image absolutely correct. Your kit will only include the colors that are needed for the painting.
39. What is diamond dotz?
Diamond dotz is the brand that produces diamond drills with its own codes. Each color code of Diamond dotz has an equivalent code in DMC with the same shade. There are conversion charts available from where you can convert these codes into equivalent DMC numbers. However, never store two same colors of different brands as the shade may slightly differ.
40. What is the best size for diamond paintings?
Diamond paintings come in various sizes that range from 8 x 8 inches (20cm x 20cm) to as wide as (145cm x infinite) . You can choose any size you want depending on the time you can dedicate to finishing the diamond painting and the wall size where you want to hang it. Smaller sizes of canvas are preferred by the new artists.
Small Size For Beginners:
- 8 x 12 inches
- 12 x 12 inches or 12 x 16 inches
Medium Size For Intermediate Level Diamond Artists
- Anything between 16 x 16 inches to 32 x 24 inches
Large Size for Experts
32 x 32 inches to 64 x 40 inches
Expert diamond artists handle any size of the diamond painting.
Size For Customized Diamond Painting:
- Recommended Size for customized diamond painting is: 40 x 50 cm
- For high-quality and diamond painting with good details : 50 x 70 cm or 60 x 120 cm.
Note: if there is any confusion, you can reach out to us by leaving us the message and we will advise the best size according to your image size and dimension of the image.
41. What does a diamond painting kit include?
A diamond painting kit will include the following things.
- A pre-printed canvas of your preferred choice.
- An applicator or drill pen.
- A tray to hold your diamond drills.
- Diamonds which are sorted in colors and quantity according to your requirement.
- A wax or glue to stick the diamonds to the pen.
42. Can you create your own diamond painting?
Yes, you can create your own customized diamond painting. To do so, just keep certain factors in mind.
- The image that you want to turn into a diamond painting should have high resolution, and it should have been taken in optimal lighting conditions.
- Decide whether you want a landscape, portrait, or a diamond painting in a square.
- The canvas size should also be bigger to encapsulate all the details of the image. The larger canvas size renders the better results.
- The color of the image should be vibrant and natural.
43. What kind of frame do you use for diamond painting?
You can use several kinds of frames for your diamond paintings.
- Many diamond artists prefer buying standard premade frames, which they can use instantly to frame their artwork. This way, your diamond painting will be safe from dirt and dust behind the glass frame.
- You can also use stretcher bars for framing. Stretcher bars are made of wood and are used to frame all kinds of artwork. You have to stretch your canvas and wrap it around the stretcher bars and secure it with nails.
- Alternatively, you can also glue your artwork onto the canvas.
44. What can I use instead of wax for diamond painting?
You can use Blu Tack or craft putty instead of pink wax that comes with a diamond kit. Craft putty is more flexible. Just dip your applicator pen into it, and the diamonds will stick on the applicator, ready to be transferred on the canvas.
You can also use tweezers, but it needs more practice to handle it. Make-up artists also use a special applicator to pick jewels to apply on nails; these can also be used as an alternative for diamond painting.
45. Diamond painting vs paint by numbers: What is the major difference?
The major difference between them is that diamond painting is carried out by using diamonds on a canvas, whereas paint by numbers is done with acrylic paints. Paint by numbers is an old form of art where the number guide lets the artist make the artwork easily. Diamond painting is a relatively new phenomenon introduced in 2010 and is a love child of paint by numbers.
Diamond painting has a texture and creates a mosaic or a cross-stitch effect. In paint by number, different paints are blended according to instruction to create a natural look.

46. How many diamonds are in a diamond painting?
The total number of diamonds varies according to the size of the canvas. A large size canvas may have lacs of diamonds on it. A 8 x 8 inches canvas has over 6000 diamonds. A 16 x 16 inches canvas will have more than 25000 diamonds. For 31 x 31 inches (80 x 80 cm ), you will have to apply more than 1 lac diamonds.
47. Do you need glue for diamond painting?
No, you don't need any glue for diamond painting. Diamond painting canvas is covered with an adhesive layer so the diamonds can stick easily on it.
48. Do diamond paintings dry out?
Diamond paintings can dry out if you peel back the whole cover from the canvas at once. The exposed area can dry, or the dust can accumulate over it that can affect the adhesiveness of the canvas. The stickiness can also get damaged if you accidentally put your arm over it or a piece of paper gets stuck to the canvas.
49. How to fix a non-sticky spot on a diamond painting?
If somehow the stickiness of the canvas gets damaged and you can't stick diamond drills on it, you can use a few glues to stick the diamonds on it.
Don't use nail polish, the diamond can fall off after the nail polish dries.
Similarly, don't use any random glue or fabric glue to avoid ruining your whole canvas. There are some specific glues available for diamond painting that are used with blank canvas. Dotz Stick glue is made specifically for diamond painting. You can also use wet wipe to remove the paper or tissue from the canvas.
50. How to get bubbles out of your diamond painting?
The bubbles may appear on the canvas if you pull off the top sheet too roughly. The more gently you pull the sheet, the less it happens. But you can pop the bubbles using a craft knife. Gently pop the bubbles without cutting through the canvas and then flatten it out.
51. How do you flatten a diamond painting?
It's difficult to get diamond paintings laid out flat after purchasing because most of the canvases are rolled for packaging. You can put them down under some heavy weight for a couple of days. Another method is to mount it on a piece of cardboard and tape the sides with a packing tape.
52. How do you store unfinished diamond painting?
You can store unfinished diamond painting the same way as you would store finished diamond painting. Store it by laying them flat in a cardboard box or by rolling them loosely with diamonds-side out.
53. Can you melt diamond painting wax?
Diamond painting wax dries depending on the weather. So, keep it either in plastic wrap or a glass container; so it doesn't get dried. However, if it happens, you can roll it down and flatten it to take it to a usable temperature. If it doesn't work, you can put it in the microwave for a few seconds. It will work like a charm.
54. Can you put glass over diamond painting?
Yes, you can put glass over diamond painting for framing purposes. Glass framing protects the diamond painting from weather effects and dust. Some people prefer stretcher bars or canvases to frame without a glass on top. However, long exposure to dust and weather can diminish your diamonds glow. Glass framing can make the diamond painting long-lasting.
55. Can you sell finished diamond paintings?
You can sell your paintings on Etsy or any other marketplace. All over the world, art lovers admire true art pieces and purchase paintings to satisfy their passion for art collection. You can also sell these finished diamond paintings via Facebook shop or Facebook groups.
56. How to choose a photo for custom diamond painting?
Completing custom diamond painting is the dream project of every diamond painting artist. However, if the image is not selected carefully, it can result in disappointment. To avoid such a thing from happening, keep these points in mind.
- Choose a high-resolution image with good pixel size and quality.
- Choose an image that is taken in good lighting condition.
- The color of the image also matters a lot. There shouldn't be any overlay effect or shadows in the image.
- The dimension of the picture should coordinate the dimension of the canvas. For example: if your image is in landscape, your canvas should also have a landscape orientation.
57. Is there a special frame for diamond painting?
- Apart from the above-mentioned frames, you can hang your painting in fancy wooden frames, which will enhance the beauty of your glittery diamond painting. You can find these frames here.
- Another option of framing a diamond painting includes using hanger frames.
- Nothing can give you the satisfaction of a handmade frame. You can also make a DIY frame where you can mount your diamond painting on a foam board.
58. What is better double sided tape canvas or poured glue canvas?
The diamond painting canvas with double sided tape is not much popular now. Mostly people like poured glue diamond painting canvas as it's much easy to handle. Double sided tape canvas gets wrinkled very easily & when exposed to air it gets dry. However, poured glue canvas is not wrinkled & glue is quite sticky to hold the diamonds.
59. Diamond painting involves only canvas painting?
No, diamond painting is not confined to canvas painting only. There are many other diamond painting options like pillow covers, phone cases, diamond painting stickers, keychains, dĂŠcor items & much more.
60. What is DMC Chart?
A DMC Chart is the color chart that is used in diamond painting. The whole process of diamond painting depends upon the DMC Chart. This chart contains the color numbers provided with a diamond painting. The color chart is followed to choose the diamond color & apply to the specified symbol on the canvas.
These are the basic terminologies that every diamond painter must be well aware of. There is still a lot more to learn about diamond painting. We'll keep posting the amazing facts about diamond painting. If you know some unique features about diamond painting then you can mention in the comments section below.